Erie PA made this sick Attorney, Dave Ridge a Judge. They have been conned.

Just for you Dave! Frank knows you very well!

My nuclear reaction started with Dave Ridge, he can lie to your face with a straight face.
I went nuclear when Kathryn told me how much suffering she had endured with the fake death threats, which Dave could have stopped long ago.

Sometimes he looks normal but all is not as it seems!

Dave, you are truly lucky I’m civilized. Dave, you are a mother______ because you would screw your mother to protect a legal colleague.

Yes, I know this fucking prick very well. He made me realize there is no God and then the United States Supreme Court proved there is no God.

This site shows how they proved there is no God, check it out if you darn: Thee Beast 666 – Official Site

The Legal War – Frank vs. Dave

David And Goliath, Bible, StrengthDave says, Stop – take away his sling.”

To Dave a Personal Message: Listen Dave by getting rid of the forged life insurance policies from Erie Insurance you have confirmed in a young girl’s mind that the death threats orchestrated by her mother must be real. Thus, you helped to create heinous nightmares and false images for this young girl which has caused her serious problems for over 20 years now. After I saw Kathryn’s rehab report around 2013 and talked to her about it; that’s the day I went Nuclear because the legal system had failed to correct any of these charges and false death threats. Just wanted you to know where I’m coming from! The Supreme Court has left me with no other choice because they have willfully and wrongfully protected you and your friends unconstitutionally. If there is a way to fuck you with a branding iron, up your ass: I will find it.


Child, Sad, Suffering, Destruction, War

The Legal System has refused to help!

Dave when I told you they were hiding perjury testimony I was not lying and told you Kathryn was telling a totally new story just to protect herself. You have allowed the legal system to have my son Jon taken away from me and he has even changed his name because of these railroaded misdemeanors: so, Dave you can never be forgiven. Fuck You Dave Ridge and the fuckers that protect you! 

Erie should be totally appalled when they see how misdemeanors have ruined so many lives for over 20 years now; mainly caused by an attorney’s actions and an American court system that protects the unconstitutional activities that goes on in some of our courts and some attorneys today. Our American Courts have willfully and wrongfully protected the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who had committed fraud by hiding all the main defense evidence in their own State Courts. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania even had to lie and commit fraud upon a Federal Court to protect their hiding defense evidence. So, when Frank finally found it: the Commonwealth told this Federal Court my newfound evidence was dismissed in the lower court when the fuckers knew it was never dismissed. Even more appalling: the U.S. Supreme Court is so protective of the American legal system that they dismiss it. So, they are now involved in this serious miscarriage of justice. The U.S. Supreme Court ignored and refused to hear any of it even when Frank did show them all the following evidence contained on this webpage. The evidence shown here has been directly taken from the U.S. Supreme Court brief that was legally submitted and they dismiss it. When you see the evidence, you will know just how sick they are.

Fraud Prevention, Scam, Corruption
This was the only way to expose them!

Charges were filed for misdemeanor death threats and assaults and the DA in Erie PA offered a deal to Dave Ridge which was to reduce six misdemeanor charges to one misdemeanor count if Frank would plead guilty. Frank knew Kathryn had already committed perjury at the preliminary hearing so naturally Frank refused that offer and wanted a trial. Frank had no idea that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania would willfully and wrongfully hide Kathryn’s perjury testimony from the courts and Frank wrongfully assumed Dave Ridge was a good attorney. Kathryn had given false testimony and Frank does have her false testimony from court records that she did indeed lie and gave false testimony under oath. You will soon realize how Kathryn was mentally tortured with the false death threats by her own mother and coached to say whatever her mother said. Let’s start with the first stab in the back from this unethical attorney before trial when Dave Ridge assisted in getting forged life insurance policies removed from court records that were being used for death threats. Chris Boyd Sontag Sanders, Kathryn’s mother had used the life insurance policies to convince Kathryn that Frank was going to kill her and her family: orchestrated just to destroy any love Kathryn had for Frank because they were getting a divorce: the only problem was, Chris didn’t know at the time that they were forged policies when she told Kathryn – look at this, Frank was going to kill you and the rest of us. This has indeed caused Kathryn serious problems for over 20 years now and even our highest courts have refused to correct it. After Frank told Dave Ridge they were forged policies, this stupid dork helped to cover up the forged policies partly to protect his brother and Erie Insurance. Erie Insurance was running contests to win free trips for a few agents who got the most life insurance policies sold before a certain date which caused Frank’s agent, Scott Wood, to forge Frank’s signature on four life insurance policies and Scott paid the premiums out of his own pocket, just to win the trip from Erie Insurance. These policies came to Frank’s house around the divorce and Kathryn’s mom kept them for the custody battle. Unethical Dave Ridge then warned the Commonwealth of PA of these forged documents because he wanted to protect Erie Insurance Exchange from potential lawsuits and wanted to protect his brother the ex-Governor of PA, Tom Ridge, who had previous ties to Erie Insurance Exchange. Please keep in mind these forged life insurance policies were being used to establish real death threats in Kathryn’s mind.



Butterfly, Pin, Suffering, Girl
Can’t stop Kathryn’s hurt unless you all help?

But before Frank goes into more of Dave Ridge’s unethical activities let him explain what lead to the charges. First, his stepdaughter had been dealing with sex at five years old and had even filed a sexual assault at Grandview in 1987 by four boys with a knife. Just after this filed assault Frank decided to move to a better location in 1988. Frank had no idea that the assault by four boys could also affect children at the new location which ended up starting another investigation in 1994 at Kathryn’s school. Frank’s ex filed for divorce before him in October 1992 because Frank had told her months before that he was getting a divorce when his son Jon turned seven years old on April 3rd, 1993. The divorce started partly because Frank’s ex had tried repeatedly to blackmail him to adopt Kathryn, but Frank had heard from one of her girlfriends that Chris just wanted Kathryn adopted for support money if they ever divorced. 

Anyway, this stupid dork attorney was totally not ready for the morning trial and if you can imagine this dork said nothing until the very morning of trial about a Pennsylvania law which somehow allows one person’s testimony to convict you for misdemeanor assaults. Kathryn had told the DA that Frank was the only one that had ever assaulted her from 1986 to 1988 on East Grandview. The Commonwealth of PA knew sometime before trial that Kathryn had indeed filed indecent assault charges against four boys with a knife in 1987 on East Grandview and they knew Kathryn went for sexual counseling at the Rape Crisis Center in 1987 for this assault and they knew Kathryn had denied all this under oath. The Commonwealth also knew that the sexual counselor from Rape Crisis could have never confirm the stories and charges they had been filed against Frank because that much claimed sexual activity could have never been overlooked by a trained counselor. Kathryn’s mother knew how much Kathryn loved Frank so she used the forged insurance policies to erase any love Kathryn may have had for Frank. These death threats by her mother caused Kathryn to totally erase all the events of the Millcreek Police Report of the 1987 assault and believed only the stories being told by her mother. Just imagine someone you loved was about to kill you – how sick would a heinous lie like that be?

Kathryn's Suffering
 Look Kathryn – Frank was going kill you! When Frank heard this lie he with Nuclear!

Kathryn’s mother suggested and induced so many stories that Kathryn TESTIFIED around 1994 that she never had any sexual counseling concerning any sexual assault when she was younger. Kathryn did remember talking to a counselor, but she said they never asked her if she was sexually abused: so nothing makes sense when you see the evidence. Thus, after the Commonwealth of PA heard Kathryn’s testimony under oath about not remembering any sexual assault by four boys and denying any related sexual counseling, they knew that they had to make the Police Report and the sexual counseling at Rape Crisis disappear. Because the Commonwealth had hid this evidence, the Commonwealth of PA had to commit fraud again when Frank found the evidence of perjury. They told a Federal Appeals Court that it was dismissed in the lower court when they knew it was not and Frank now has that evidence. Dave Ridge refused to even check out Frank’s claims of the Kathryn’s false testimony even after Frank told him there was a filed Police Report for the 1987 sexual assault and Frank told him Kathryn indeed went to the Rape Crisis for counseling about the four boys. What did this prick do, nothing he believed that PA had given all discovery to him and Frank must be lying about it and he calls himself a criminal attorney? Frank now has all the evidence of Kathryn’s induced perjury? Frank has the police report about the four boys with a knife and the evidence of Kathryn’s sexual counseling at Rape Crisis which Kathryn had totally denied under oath. It even gets worse; the Commonwealth of PA had willfully and wrongfully doubled the assault charges because Frank decided to moved his stepdaughter from that sexual assault neighborhood at Grandview to a better neighborhood home on Coleridge. So because Frank moved Kathryn away from that sexual assault neighborhood to a new address the charges were doubled. So the girly man in Erie, Marshall Prick-asini (sorry might have misspelled this name) representing Pennsylvania now made the charges appeared as two separate assaults making Frank appear as a repeat offender. Some of the sexual activities at Grandview must have carried on at the Coleridge school because someone started asking questions about the sexual behavior of a few children at the school. This was happening during Frank’s divorce and custody battle around 1994 so my ex started orchestrating her con stories of the century. The problem is Kathryn is still having heinous nightmares from the mental torture caused by the forged insurance policies which were used by the mother to instill death threats and kill any love Kathryn had for Frank. The mother has never been questioned or charged for endangerment of a child but should have been if Dave hadn’t helped to get rid of the evidence of the death threats. Kathryn has believed all her mother’s exacerbating death stories and her mother had suggested and induced Kathryn to tell a new abuse story which forced or induced Kathryn to commit perjury in a court of law. Frank was sent the rehab report about Kathryn’s mental state a few years ago and talked to her afterwards. If Frank could dare tell you the heinous effects of what this has done to her and the mental torture she has suffered and it still suffering, you would certainly have them all mentally committed or locked up for life. Frank must also mention the damage caused to all the families involved. Damage so bad where his son Jon was literally kidnapped while Frank was in prison and where Chris Boyd used her fraudulent tricks to make Frank’s son, Jon, change his name to hers and Chris also trick demanded that he was not allowed any contact or write to Frank: one very sick mentally ill person.

Again, on the morning of trial and not before, this stupid ass attorney, Dave Ridge, tells Frank – one person’s testimony is enough for a conviction in Pennsylvania for these misdemeanors. What kind of dumb ass attorney holds this kind of info from his client until the morning of trial? Dave Ridge

Dave takes a full dump on Frank now!

He tells Frank: “Definitely consider a no contest plea and avoid State time”. Keep this in mind this asshole demanded another $10,000 for trial expenses just weeks before trial and then tells Frank on the morning of trial: “Hey Frank this could happen if we go to trial, consider a no contest plea to all the charges because if we don’t win, you’ll get State time: and one person’s testimony is enough for a conviction in this State for this type of crime. You have no criminal record, and you’ll save Kathryn the embarrassment of trial so the judge will take it easy on you, maybe some county time with work release”. Because I loved Kathryn so much and didn’t want to ever embarrass her and the fact that I just wanted to go to Houston and start my new job I said OK. After Frank took the no contest plea and made it official Dave says: “Go to Houston and start your new job we are done now.” So, like a God damn fool Frank had listened to this prick, but when Frank got back from Houston for sentencing his life was destroyed. Frank got sentenced to six freaking years in a state prison sentenced by an unethical, biased, and apparently abused Judge named Ernest DiSantis. What could be worst, Frank had to do the six freaking years in a state prison because the Commonwealth of PA’s prison system demanded Frank to admit guilt to the no contest misdemeanor charges or he would be denied parole until he did. Frank’s ethic principals forced him to max out because he just couldn’t force himself to admit to all those freaking lies just to get parole. Because the Commonwealth was hiding all Frank’s defense evidence, this freaking state had denied him any defense for this type of crime and Dave did absolutely nothing for Frank except screw him in the ass, so to speak not literally. Frank finally got all the hidden perjury evidence from jail so Dave Ridge could have gotten it too, if he was a criminal attorney. When Frank went to the appeals courts PA put their next fraud into play which would stop any appeal courts arguments and cost Frank years of pure hell. The Commonwealth of PA (represented by a prick named Marshal Piccinini) did committed fraud in a Federal Court to protect PA’s unlawful and railroad conviction and that evidence follows: Here’s that fraud: This MF, Marshall Prick, I’m sorry, Marshall Piccinini told the Federal Court in Erie that Frank’s new found evidence proving false testimony/perjury was dismissed in the lower court and this fker knew it was never dismissed, he just hid it. After repeatedly filings for re-considerations to this Federal court showing cause that the Commonwealth was lying and committing fraud, the bitch Justice (Baxter) in this Erie Federal Court told Frank it was not her duty to investigate any fraud committed by the Commonwealth of PA: so much for seeking justice in her Federal Court. See: Attorney confirms Pa’s Fraud The head justice McLaughlin followed her lead and after all Frank’s court filings Erie Insurance decided to hire him in 2013, maybe for some protection but he’s gone from there now, as of Jan 2019? After this Federal bitch’s dismissal Frank sent the newfound evidence back to Judge Ernest DiSantis and that MF told Frank that he had submitted the evidence too late. This SOB saw the false testimony of Kathryn and the fraud committed by the Commonwealth of PA in a Federal Court and the MF said Frank sent it in too late? Screw you previous President Judge Ernest DiSantis hope you rot to death soon! When Frank finally got out of prison six years later in 2002, he went to the FBI and the FBI told him to get more evidence of PA’s fraud and let the Supreme Court handle it, so Frank hired an attorney to do just that. This attorney (Hathaway) has now confirmed the evidence Frank presented to the Federal Court proving false testimony was not excluded in the lower court and his official letter is on this site: See: Attorney confirms Pa’s Fraud. So Frank then took these fraudulent misdemeanors all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court showing what his lying dumb-ass attorney had told him, proved the false testimony, showed what a biased prick the trial Judge Ernest DiSantis was, and the willful and wrongful fraud committed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in a State Court and a Federal Court of Law. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear it and implied FK YOU FRANK. Well to this Supreme Court, Frank truly says: back at you. The U.S. Supreme Court has thus protected PA’s fraud in a State and Federal Court which literally puts an end to law and order in this country. Now you know why Frank went nuclear. Frank can only hope that these nuclear words hurt all of them and cause reform. The courts say you can’t curse in this court room even when they are about to screw you in the ass (not literally): what an ego – absolute power and absolute corruption. As an Honorable Discharged Navy Aviation Electronic Technician Veteran Frank is appalled that this kind of corruption goes on in our America Legal System: we need reform and Frank could use some help because he hasn’t been able to expose any of them yet. It’s been like fighting a new Mafia with a feather and they just sit back and laugh.

You can't touch us!
         You can’t touch us we are the law and order in America!

There you have it,


Frank Goes Nuclear

PS: Dave running for a Judge seat was definitely the final straw for Frank. Frank is taking this political opportunity to expose Dave and report the real facts. When the public demands a right to know and confirms all the evidence on this site maybe we’ll get some law and order back in our American court system. When that happens Frank may finally be able to help Kathryn and get his son back. Right now, it looks like a Kangaroo Court System, and they should all be exposed. The protectionism they all have for each other is a total disgrace especially when they help their friends in the courts which then hurts another person’s justice. There is just too much of this shit going on in our legal system. The respect for the legal system is now under fire and in some ways, Frank is glad that he started this website to show some of the injustices that do go on in the current system. Frank is truly sorry for Dave’s family, but Dave didn’t care about Frank’s so maybe Dave will now feel some of the pain and suffering he have caused my family.

Have a real crappy day Dave! You should be glad Frank’s a civilized man but if anything happens to Kathryn Frank hopes they hang you from your balls! The Erie people don’t deserve for you to be an attorney in their town and no one in Erie deserves to be ever judged by you!

email comments to:

Things are out of control in this country – our legal system has been corrupted by most of our lawmakers in Congress, some Attorneys have very low IQ’s and some of our Judges are more criminal than the people they judge. Our Media is offering opinions full of biases and untruths and all these people enjoy the extreme power they over us and their super egos and opinions are shamefully sickening. Thus, Frank has lost all respect for the entire legal system in America. Frank is out to expose America’s corrupt legal system using his fraudulent and unconstitutional misdemeanors and the hidden forged life insurance policies that went all the way to a defunct and overwhelmed U.S. Supreme Court. Frank’s looking for Legal Reform and if you been watching the news then you know things are Out of Control. We’ll just have to wait and see what these bastards have up their sleeves to maintain their absolute corruption, but it may be a little too late now?










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